Airbus Cyber Security partners the SME Innovation Awards (by Frédéric Julhes, Airbus CyberSecurity Manager)
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For the past 5 years, Airbus has been committed to promoting innovation and is proud to be sponsoring the SME Innovation Awards once again this year.
The digital revolution profoundly transforming our societies and industrial models can only be truly complete and beneficial if accompanied by a robust security component. Indeed, the growing number of interconnections and new uses is broadening the target for security breaches and cyberattacks. It is therefore all the more important to help the cybersecurity industry develop talent with a view to building an ecosystem to meet all needs and expectations.
Every year, the SME Innovation Awards panel brings together all stakeholders in the French cybersecurity ecosystem (institutional and industrial representatives, companies, investors and experts), allowing for ideas to be exchanged and compared. The diversity of profiles also contributes to the richness of our panel.
The SME Innovation Awards also allow market players, including Airbus Cyber Security, to discover technological gems and new approaches, thus contributing to maintaining the dynamism of the cybersecurity market.
This sector – a differentiating influence in France today – is more vital than ever for the renewal of the national economic fabric, whether in terms of protecting our OIVs (Operators of Vital Importance) or user data. It is also a sector where technological excellence has led to the creation of wealth and jobs with high added value.
Last year, nearly 45 award applications were submitted, demonstrating the richness of the national industrial fabric and its potential for innovation.
I look forward to discovering new talent through the 2018 edition!