French newspaper Les Echos says the country lacks about 79,000 digital professionals. The turnover, which is deemed high by professionals when it reaches 15%, is estimated above 20% for that sector with recurring cases at 26%. One of the contributing factors is the lack of motivation from engineers to accomplish repetitive tasks considered below their level: among them, deputy CISOs claim spending 12,47 hours per week treating alerts sprung by false positives.

However this challenge born from the shortage and turnover of engineers can be solved through technicians having received a short training course and thriving in dealing with daily operations. The security of the firms using such a solution improves greatly with their engineers being able to focus on tasks they really like and which have a high added value. Engineers and technicians working each according to their respective level of competence thrive and are less tempted to seek employment from another business.

The benefit from putting on the payroll simpler tasks without using someone with a master’s degree may be further improved through technician students on block release training working two third of their time within a company and paid monthly about €1,000€, employer’s contributions included. The exceptional €8,000 bonus from the recovery plan results in the new employees costing almost nothing for any block release training contract signed before 31 December 2021.

In Versailles, the EECS (European School of Cybersecurity) has established its own educational certificate which has the level of a two-year Higher Education diploma (French ‘Bac+2’) certified by the ‘Répertoire national des Certifications professionnelles’ (RNCP n°34975). The school teaches for two years and 1,000 hours of classes in dual education format networks & systems technicians and cybersecurity operators able to work in a vast category of sectors ranging from Security Operational Centres (SOCs) to non-specialised firms who have networks to manage but lack the budget for a cybersecurity engineer. The value of the course is estimated at about €18,000 by the national institution ‘France Compétences’ but tuition is free for businesses.

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