The first breakfast of the Observatory of 2015 will focus on « Security and mobility ».

Inseparable from daily life, mobile devices have experienced a change in their use: long regarded as complementary tools, many uses today are centered around these: payments and purchases online, email, CRM and ERP, applications and interactions with other systems develop. This growth pushes at the same time for the proliferation of mobile OS and their forks (their variations).

What are the responses to take full advantage of the numerous functions of ecosystems and their applications? What response measures to be taken against hostile Apps? How to create and fusion new features for users and security requirements for the cmpany?
Come talk about these issues with Patrick Chambet, RSSI of the Bouygues Group Security Center and member of CESIN, Renaud Gruchet, Commercial Director at Pradeo, winner of the 2015 Award for innovative SMEs and Jérôme NOTIN, CEO of Nov’IT – Uhuru Mobile.

This breakfast will be held on Wednesday, March 11th 2015 the “Cercle Mixte” in the Celestins area (18, Boulevard Henri IV – 75004 Paris).

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