Breakfast Debate “The Resilience Challenge in a Hyperconnected EU”
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In the context of the preparation of the upcoming 10th edition of the International Cybersecurity Forum (23-24 January 2018, Lille), CEIS organizes in Brussels a breakfast debate gathering high-level policy-experts in the field of Cybersecurity including MEP Pilar del Castillo, Mr. Hannes Krause, Counselor for Cybersecurity issues at the Estonian Permanent Representation to the EU, a representative from DG CONNECT (TBC), Rasmus Theede, Policy Director at Digital Europe and Jean-Pierre Quémard, Chair of CEN-CENELEC Focus Group on Cybersecurity.
This event will aim at stocktaking the key EU initiatives in the field of Cybersecurity – the new agency mentioned by President Juncker, the potential impact of GDPR in terms of security – and to assess to which extent they can contribute to increase EU resilience to cyberattacks and / or failures.