Open Innovation at the heart of FIC 2018 !
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The FIC has always had a vocation to promote innovation in cybersecurity and digital trust. Today, we want to go further. Since innovation is, more than ever, the result of collaborative processes, we are launching the « FICathon ».The objective is to initiate collaborative projects involving the whole cybersecurity ecosystem (developers, security experts, lawyers,…), in order to address issues related to cybersecurity and data protection through an open innovation process. Areas to be explored include smart mobility, home automation, and energy. The challenge will be based on some of the sector’s major final users’ needs in terms of security and digital trust requirements. Multidisciplinary teams comprising of students, start-ups and consultants supported by a dedicated team of coaches, will then be tasked with finding solutions to address these needs, from September 2017 to January 2018. The competing projects will be presented at FIC2018 on 23rd and 24th January next year, for the jury to select one project in each category. The winners will be awarded a business incubation programme. The intended outcomes are twofold : further hybridization of the security experts and IT developers communities, and the creation of « by design » security solutions both at a technical and a legal levels.
The FIC Organizers